Select an outlet and date range >> You can also click on the Yellow 'Export As PDF' box to have your report downloaded >> Now you can view your restaurant's performance
Sales Performance:
is based on three metrics and the percentages showing are comparing to your performance from the past period (example: this week's performance is being compared to last week's performance):
1. Total Completed Orders
2. Total Revenue
3. Average Order Value
Best Selling Items:
You will find the most ordered items from your menu along with the count of times the item has been ordered, and the revenue made from these items:
Customer Behavior:
This data presents to you how customers behave when they open your restaurant on the application, you can find below the metrics used in this data:
1. Total New Customers "Customers that haven't ordered from your restaurant before"
2. Percentage of New Customers
3. Total Returning Customers " Customers that have been ordering from your restaurant"
4. Percentage of Returning Customers
Day Breakdown - Meal Time Split:
Here you will find the percentage of orders split into five parts, that can help you identify peak hours for your restaurant
Customer Order Funnel:
Here you will see the percentage of customers that have opened your outlet page on the application and the actions made by the customers, where they have either just viewed and Item, Added to Cart, or ordered, which will help you identify how you can make more orders and make customers happy!